BB2C Perspective: Yale...Yes, THE Yale

Somehow, Ted O'Callahan, a writer for Yale Insights, became interested in Appalachian Ohio. He interviewed a lot of people over an extended period of time to find out how we go about economic and community development. The Building Bridges to Careers Epicenter was one of his stops along the way. What started out as a single article turned into the entire issue of Yale Insights released on June 22:

In his own words, "I believe we are providing our global readership with a glimpse of the passion, energy, and hope being brought to bear in Appalachian Ohio. The extraordinary network of people and the diversity of economic development efforts will offer lessons that are relevant to many other places, even as I know there are many more stories in Appalachian Ohio that deserve telling." 

Thanks, Ted, for highlighting our region and our efforts to make a difference. 



BB2C Focus Projects: Internships-Jared Farnsworth


BB2C Partner Perspective: Mindi Line, PACF Fellows Leadership Program