Career Mentoring in the Middle School

Mentoring through Google Meet

Barb Schafer, Career Mentor Coordinator

I remember when I was younger a wise elder telling me to “Never say never!” 
Well, never would I have imagined that this year’s Career Mentor Program would be almost exclusively virtual! BB2C’s Career Mentor Program, which is exclusively sponsored by Marietta Memorial Health, is designed to create Developmental Relationships between students in seventh & eighth grades and local professionals who become trained BB2C mentor volunteers.  Together with their mentors, students explore their strengths and skills, find out about interesting careers, and prepare for their career pathway journeys. Like most relationship-based programs, this is usually done best in person. 
In 2020 however, we are embracing the Zoom and Google Meet platforms to reach young people in our local school districts. For the 2020-20201 school year we have 38 mentors working with 69 students in 5 Washington County schools. Our program continues to successfully support students by engaging volunteers despite the challenges of remote relationship-building.
Just imagine teenagers who are digital natives meeting up with mentors who are for the most part digital immigrants. The learning that is happening is phenomenal. Mentors are learning how to schedule virtual meetings and how to mute, chat, and log on to meetings. Students are taking charge and helping the mentors navigate these waters.  In this way, our students are mentoring their mentors!
Have we had struggles? Of course. But the students are eager to connect. One mentor exclaimed, ”I got about two words in. She wouldn’t stop talking.” Relationships are being formed and students and mentors continue to work together. This spring, we are looking forward to our first-ever “virtual field trip” with Marietta College.  In past years, our visit to Marietta College included pizza, cookies, and networking and team-building activities.  While the pizza and cookies may not be COVID-approved this year, strengthening the relationships between the students and mentors is always something we strive to do


Hindsight is 2020


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