BB2C Superintendent Perspective: Kyle Newton, Warren Local Schools

Kyle Newton is the superintendent of Warren Local Schools, and is an avid supporter of Building Bridges to Careers. Warren Local has been in partnership with BB2C since 2014, and they now house one of the Career Mentor Coordinators, Barb Schafer. Barb coordinates the Career Mentor program for Warren and Fort Frye Local schools, and supports multiple BB2C programs. There is a lot of collaboration among the schools districts in the county, which increases the infrastructure of the BB2C organization. 

In his own words...

BB2C is evolving based on our local needs. Flexibility is key! I am looking forward to the expansion of the Epicenter because the expanded layout will include a makerspace and the possibility of growth. Growth is about flexibility and adaptability. When opportunities arise, you have to be able to take advantage of them. With this type of location, we will be able to increase our opportunities and use the space in ways that we haven't even perceived at this point.

Warren Local will benefit because we have made the investment in a person, and we have the infrastructure in place to take advantage of more parts of BB2C. Anything that can spark new internal interest in the district towards developing employment pathways for students is a good thing. The new Epicenter location lends itself to having our students participate in ways that cross over into the work of the business members, and that is exciting. Having this opportunity, we should be able to tap into it for the high school and the middle school in different ways. We will be able to address more students and at different levels.

BB2C is also excited about the expansion of our Epicenter which will take place in January. You can find out more by attending the upcoming event that is being hosted by one of our partners, Buckeye Hills Regional Council. This Wednesday, at 4:30, stop by 1400 Pike Street for the Innovation Gateway Grant Kickoff event and the revealing of our BIG SECRET! 

One of our other partners, the Marietta Community Foundation, has included BB2C in their annual Grant your Grant challenge. We could win a donation that will support our move into the expanded location...all you have to do is like our picture on their Facebook site. The pictures with the most likes will win donations. Click here to get to our picture... 

We can't wait to welcome you into the expanded Epicenter!!!


BB2C Follow-up: Epicenter Expansion - Makerspace!


BB2C Student Perspective: Aura Bruce-Student Ambassador