BB2C Student Perspective: Aura Bruce-Student Ambassador

Aura Bruce is our student ambassador for the Washington County Career Center this year. BB2C met Aura during Upward Bound mock interviews and we were so impressed that we asked her to be our student ambassador at the Washington County Career Center!

As student ambassador she is also participating in an internship program in which she will receive high school credit. Her responsibilities thus far have ranged from recruiting students for Family Career Awareness Day to  assisting our BB2C Coordinator with job shadowing paperwork.

In regards to her internship, Aura stated, "I've learned a lot about responsibility and making sure paperwork is filled out correctly for job shadowing. Also, I have learned a lot about time managament and keeping my time sheets to make sure I'm getting the hours I need. I feel more involved because I go classroom to classroom and see students who are out of my program."

She has been encouraging students from other Career Center programs to job shadow and share in the experiences BB2C has to offer. 

Aura had this to say about Family Career Awareness Day as well: "I loved it! I loved all the notes of wisdom the businesses passed on. Not just in their area but just little things you could take with you in all careers. There was a good variety and something there for everyone."

At BB2C we listen to our students because they have wonderful ideas. Aura helped revamp the Family Career Awareness Day presentation to students and voiced ways to get the students more engaged. This effort resulted in a substantial increase for students and parents at the event.  She is quick to offer ideas and feedback whenever asked and is doing a fantastic job as student ambassador this year! Thank you, Aura, for all your support and hard work!


BB2C Superintendent Perspective: Kyle Newton, Warren Local Schools


The people of BB2C: Cindy Davis