Prepare For The Fair: Ohio-Zone/Career Connect Job Fair

Tonya Davis, Program & Event Facilitator

We are kicking off 2021 with a job fair!  This year's Career Connect Job Fair will be virtual. As in past years, BB2C has partnered with Ohio Means Jobs, Marietta College, Washington County Career Center Adult Technical Training, and Washington State Community College to bring employers and job seekers together.  OH Zone is working diligently to provide support and help to get employers ready to participate.

This year's event will have unique differences from past Career Connect Job Fairs. In addition to being virtual, there will also be a concentration of employers from the manufacturing, health, and financial sectors.  To ensure students are prepared for the new virtual platform, we will be offering pre-event workshops.  These workshops will cover:

  • Entering and navigating the platform

  • Interacting with employers via chatting and video conferencing

  • How to impress employers in a virtual job fair

  • Registering for the job fair

The workshop is being offered on the following dates and times.  Participants only need to attend one pre-event workshop.

  • Jan. 28th-10:00am-11:30am

  • Feb. 2-11:30am-1:00pm

  • Feb. 4th-3:00pm-4:30pm

  • Feb. 5th-10:00am-11:30am

  • Feb. 9th-12:00pm-1:30pm

A special note to our teachers: If these dates and times do not work for you or your students, please let us know so that we can schedule a time to work with your class.

Register for the pre-event workshops here.

Email Tonya Davis for more information. 

Don't forget to save the date for the Career Connect Job Fair on February 10. 


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Hindsight is 2020