Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022!

As the BB2C staff reflected on all the great things that happened in 2021, it came down to the same thing it always does here at BB2C; the amazing people we work with through the schools, businesses and communities we work in. Some of our highlights from the year include:

  • How great it was to be back in-person for so many of our programs & events

  • The amazing partnerships and collaborations that came about throughout the year

  • The exceptional growth we saw as we engaged with more and more communities throughout Appalachia thanks to the development of our BB2C Network

  • The number of students and businesses we were able to work with through our internship, job shadowing, and career mentoring programs and our events

  • The amazing growth of our small business incubatees

  • The stellar number of makers we had in our Makerspace throughout the year and the fantastic increase we've had in Makerspace members

  • The increase in people we were able to reach as a result of continuing some of our programs and events virtually

It was a wonderful year for BB2C. But even as we wrap up 2021, our staff members are excited about all that is coming-up in 2022! If you’d like to work with, partner with, or support BB2C in 2022 as we continue to bridge the gap between education & employment, email us at

Check out our staff member’s thoughts below as we prepare to hit the ground running in the new year:

I am most excited about offering classes for our new CNC Router so that makers can continue to push the limits of what they are able to create. I am also excited about upcoming membership options with instruction included in the price so that new makers will have the freedom and confidence to tackle the projects they are passionate about.

Jared Wittekind, Makerspace Director

I am looking forward to being able to impact even more students by supporting the people in their community that want to help them - across the Appalachian region.

Tasha Werry, Executive Director

I am looking forward to seeing what our Student Ambassadors do; the impact they have on their peers, in their schools, and through their communities.

Hunter Warsinsky, Placement Coordinator

The thing I’m looking forward to most in 2022 is the growth of our regional programs- seeing more schools and businesses working together.

Jordan Spence, BB2C Network Regional Coordinator

I am most looking forward to our in-person student and mentor field-trip to Marietta College this spring. It's a great way to deepen the connection between our middle school students and our community mentors. Plus, it's a lot of fun!

Barb Schafer, Career Mentor Coordinator

I'm looking forward to what we can learn from the partnerships we've built in all corners of our region. I'm excited, as we begin to study the impact of these programs, to hear from businesses, students, community members, parents, and educators about the changes they see happening as a result of Community and Career Connected Learning.

Allison Ricket, BB2C Network Director & Education Engagement Specialist

I'm excited about expanding our collaborative partnerships as we continue to evolve to meet the needs of our students, businesses, and communities to bridge the gap between education & employment.

Heather Miller, Outreach Facilitator

I am looking forward to BB2C building & strengthening our work throughout our 25-county region. And we anticipate new businesses joining us in the incubator at the start of the new year. It's always great to have new energy at the Epicenter!

Pamela Lankford, Logistics & Epicenter Director

I'm really looking forward to the camps we have planned and I'm excited to see what other opportunities we find to share the Makerspace with our community.

Holly Hamrick, Makerspace Assistant

I’m looking forward to having more events in person and being able to help students with their networking skills.

Tonya Davis, Program & Event Facilitator


Jenna, a Junior Sewist


Thank you to our Sponsors & Supporters!