BB2C Student Perspective: MOVEE Participants
I love how it forced us to be communicative with each other and really push our boundaries
The people of BB2C: Troy Devol
The running joke we have is that BB2C grows at such a feverish pace, that each plan we make today, is outdated tomorrow.
BB2C Parent Perspective: Melinda Crone
Building Bridges did exactly as the name implies for Hannah.
BB2C Parent Perspective: Beth Maidens Part 2
We didn't expect our two kids to make THE DECISION by age 18 and never question it again. We just expected them to have a plan.
BB2C Parent Perspective: Beth Maidens Part 1
People were shocked that she would not experience the "college life" by leaving home.
BB2C Events: Manufacturing/Entrepreneur Camp Part III
Leadership, teamwork, and communication skills were emphasized during this activity, which are skills that are transferable to all employment situations.
BB2C Teacher Perspective: Diane Hicks
A common theme restated over and over during the two day tour was the importance of employees being responsible and having good work ethics.
BB2C Focus Projects: Teacher Tours
Thanks to the businesses that allowed us to intrude on their day, and to the people that took the time to help coordinate the tours.
BB2C Focus Projects: Problem Scenario Project
...the real excitement comes from the students and how much they learn from the business professional and each other, but most importantly themselves.
BB2C Events: Manufacturing/Entrepreneur Camp Part II
In reality, skilled trades careers are readily available and are very good careers.
BB2C Events: Manufacturing/Entrepreneur Camp Part I
Today was a day of learning, but it wasn't just manager to students. It was also the other way around. It was reciprocal learning.
BB2C Focus Projects: High School Internships....Part 2
This internship showed me the areas I wouldn’t enjoy and the areas I would enjoy more...
BB2C Focus Projects: High School Internships
For her, simply researching the career did not give her a true picture of the work
BB2C Student Perspective: Maggie Clendenning
I thought it was really different and not something I had seen before.
BB2C Business Perspective: AMP Recording Studios
These kids allow me to see things through a different experience.
BB2C Business Perspective: Ohio Web Pro Design
I think it is a great way to expose students to an industry and possibly create more interest in what you do.
BB2C Student Perspective: Entrepreneurship Class.
It helped me learn how to be independent...
BB2C Student Perspective: Brianna Carpenter
...but also it was great knowing that I was helping set up the future for my classmates.