Check Out Tech!
Thanks to Westlake Dimex, we are able to offer an updated and expanded Tech Space in our Makerspace. Stop by, take a class, and schedule field trips.
Interns of Monroe County: Gold Ribbon Vet
Be sure to sign-up for Voices from the Network to follow along for all four intern stories out of Monroe County this month.
Addressing Career Exploration Barriers
Tasha Werry, BB2C Executive Director, shared, “The Business Advisory Council model fits well with the ecosystem established with support from partners of all kinds from all over the counties.”
2022 Business Partners of the Year
Did you hear about our 2022 Business Partners of the Year, announced and awarded in March? There partnership is what moves our mission and vision forward!
Building Bridges in Harmar
The Historic Harmar Bridge Company partnered with our Makerspace for Marietta Main Street's First Friday "Peep" Show.
Life…For Real!
Our career mentor volunteers & their mentees from throughout Washington County had the annual student favorite; the Career Mentor Field Trip!
Annual Report: 10 Years Bridging the Gap
See our latest Annual Report, celebrating 10 years of bridging the gap between education & employment.
Teacher? Lawyer? Intern!
Finding what they like, and what they don't like, allows students to have a clearer picture of their future.
The Pathway of a Maker
Esther has had a unique pathway. Woodcraft was part of her career journey and continues to be a part of her life in retirement.
Welcome Victoria to BB2C!
Meet our newest staff member, Victoria Freeman Powell. She is joining our team as our Administration and Placement Assistant.
Are you entrepreneurial?
What does it mean to think entrepreneurially? Students got a chance to learn about it this month. See what they took away from the event.
How do you host a high school intern?
See answers from our businesses and sign-up for our new Network Newsletter.
What Business Would You Start?
Our Small Business Incubator can help your business. Start a business, grow a business, house a business- we support all this and more.
New Year, New Skills, New Printer!
Thank you to ELEGOO for sponsoring our 3D printing space and providing us with a new resin printer! Continue reading to learn about new opportunities at the Makerspace.
Discovering Opportunities
Discovering careers in mental health was of great interest to high school students in the region!
What would you do with an internship?
If you had an intern for 40 hours, what could they do to help your business? If you could earn $500 through an internship, what type of work would you want to do?
Small Business Incubator
Our Small Business Incubator is open to local entrepreneurs looking for an office space, resources, and support.
What did students discover this fall?
Accounting, manufacturing, and mental health. The spring may include engineering, law enforcement, and the arts.
Internship Opportunities Available!
Calling students, businesses, schools, and communities! We have paid internship opportunities available for high school students.